
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mesothelioma Treatments

Mesothelioma (also called asbestos lung cancer) is a disease that causes the deadly tumors to develop in the chest and lung cavity. This site is intended as a guide to patients with mesothelioma, providing updates on the latest therapy and innovations in treating this deadly cancer. Most cases are the result of occupational asbestos exposure and the patient is usually entitled to a substantial settlement package for treatment and compensation.
In the past few years there has been an increasing awareness of mesotheloma. Both the medical profession and many drug makers have focused attention on the disease. This has resulted in the development of promising new drug and chemotherapies including Alimta, which promise to re-define future cancer treatment. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer with less than 5,000 patients in the United States. However, the incidence of the cancer still appears to be high among older workers.